Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I’m going to have a wee rant here and I’ve got a feeling that I’ll be on my own with this one. Nevertheless I shall persevere.

What’s the deal with bus drivers? Well not bus drivers actually but bus passengers.
Why do people feel the need to thank the bus driver as they get off the bus?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m as polite as the next person, probably more polite actually but I don’t understand why bus drivers get this special treatment.

As passengers are getting off the bus they’ll give the driver a cheery thank you as if he or she has done them a favour.

They haven’t given you a lift to your door! You’ve paid actual cash money for a service. And you’re getting off the bus nowhere near your door.

I’m not a miserable old curmudgeon honest. When I get on the bus I say please for my ticket and thank you when I get it but I refuse to thank the driver for the “lift”.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rhys Darby

Well I went to see Rhys Darby last Thursday 06/08/09 at the Edinburgh fringe and I have to say he was...alright.

Nothing spectacular, just alright. The whole show had a definite first night feel to it, it was very loose and he seemed unsure how to handle the close proximity of the audience.

Having said that though there were some genuinely funny moments. The Transformer impression was a particular highlight. But on the whole most of the jokes were a long rambling build up to a pretty weak punch line.

I think next year I'll see someone else. But not Lucy Porter.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Edinburgh fringe

Going to see Rhys Darby tonight at the fringe with a few people from work. I hope it's good. I'll let you know.