Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday Web Wonders

There isn't a proper W3 this week as I have a sore back and I couldn't be bothered to sit at my computer last night to find stuff to look at.

Instead of having nothing I've put together some cool posts from Unreality Mag

A gallery of movies as neon signs:

Mr Whaite has created a whole load of alternative neon signs art, in this post Unreality Mag has collected together some of his movie absed ones. These are very clever and very well done.

30 amazing Stanley Kubrick cinemagraphs:

This post featues cinemagraphs, which are basically animated gifs where there is only one small thing in the image that is moving. The effect is very surreal and quite creepy.

A gallery of very unique superhero art:

Illustrator Christopher Uminga has created an awesome series of superhero pictures that are both extremely cute and extremely sinister at the same time.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Wednesday Web Wonders

This weeks theme is: Funny YouTube Channels

Improv Everywhere:

This channel has videos that feature an improv group pulling off large scale pranks. Kind of like an in crowd flash mob. Two highlights are: the real life musical, in which a guy in a shopping mall starts singing about how much he loves lunch, and the Best Buy prank in which approximately 100 people go into a Best Buy shop dressed in the staff uniform of blue polo shirt and beige trousers (or khaki pants as those crazy Americans call them). The mild panic experienced by the shop staff is quite funny.

John says: There's a lot of variety on this channel and it's all pretty ballsy and funny. Gid.

Jack Vale Films

Jack likes to prank members of the public in a variety of different ways. Personal highlights for me are the peek-a-boo video, in which he plays peek-a-boo with people as they pass on an escalator, and the pooter video in which he talks to someone on his mobile phone about the farts that he's doing while standing next to an unsuspecting member of the public.

John says: The point where an old lady calls him out on his farting and he says it's his new shoes is genius. Gid.

5 Second Films

The 5 second films people produce a new 5 second film every day, and it just has to be said that some of the movies they produce are absolute genius.

John says: There's not much more I can say about them, you have to go and check them out, in fact stop what you're doing right now and go check them out. Proper gid.

Jenna Marbles

Jenna's a bit of a strange one. I think she might be some kind of podium dancer or something but I'm not sure if that's just part of the act. She's obviously a smart person and she's very funny. She releases a new video every week.

John says: If you like lots of make up, bleached blonde hair, a potty mouth and a wicked sense of humour, Jenna's your girl. Gid.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wednesday Web Wonders

This weeks W3 theme: techy, designy type stuff takes all of the cool art and design, furniture, object and interior design innovations from across the web and collates them in one handy place.

John says: There's some pretty swanky and cool stuff here. Gid.

Yanko Design reports on those designs in technology that are trying to be the most innovative. From a device that detects low power consumption from a socket and pops the plug out to a trendy ring that you can use to fire elastic bands at people, it's all here.

John says: Lot's of awesome stuff to see here. Gid.

Designboom is an article driven site featuring articles written about all manner of design from electronics to archictecture. There are also interviews with designers and graphic, logo and furniture design competitions.

John says: There's a lot of really cool content on this site. Gid.

Overall verdict: Triple Gid.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Wednesday Web Wonders

This weeks W3 theme: Alternative News

The Disinformation Company are involved in book publishing, film production and home video distribution. Their site,, features user submitted content either collected from the internet or authored by the user.

John says: News you never knew you needed.

Internet staple The Onion is still a good as it always has been. Parodying real news stories, as well as making up entirely fictional ones, The Onion should be part of your daily routine.

John says: Eye wateringly good.

The Huffington Post is a behemoth of a site with a load of content. Up to the the minute and relevant the content is provided by writers, business people, celebrities, sport stars and more.

John says: Huffing good stuff