Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wednesday Web Wonders

This weeks W3 theme: techy, designy type stuff takes all of the cool art and design, furniture, object and interior design innovations from across the web and collates them in one handy place.

John says: There's some pretty swanky and cool stuff here. Gid.

Yanko Design reports on those designs in technology that are trying to be the most innovative. From a device that detects low power consumption from a socket and pops the plug out to a trendy ring that you can use to fire elastic bands at people, it's all here.

John says: Lot's of awesome stuff to see here. Gid.

Designboom is an article driven site featuring articles written about all manner of design from electronics to archictecture. There are also interviews with designers and graphic, logo and furniture design competitions.

John says: There's a lot of really cool content on this site. Gid.

Overall verdict: Triple Gid.

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