Three websites reviewed by The Metro.
Re-reviewed by me.
The Metro says: "Cloud computing allows you to gain access to your entire music collection anywhere you go… It's a service that's also increasingly being offered free, from sites such as Cloudplayer, that allows users to manage their music library online and access it via a computer, mobile phone or tablet. Registration is required, for copyright reasons, and songs you upload must have been legally purchased. The site provides unlimited free storage space, allowing you to constantly update your music online as your collection increases."
John says: "Nice looking interface and easy to set up, this is a winner"
Official verdict: Right gid
The Metro says: "Many tv production companies are choosing to broadcast their shows online, considering it a great way to road test new material and build a fan base. Meet the Adebanjos is a sitcom about the lives of a Nigerian couple and their British children living in Peckham South London. The first two episodes are available to watch on the site, with another due on Sunday. See how the show came together by checking out the behind the scenes videos and you can support the project to make future episodes by buying the first series on DVD."
John says: "I like the idea and the site has other stuff as well as episodes like a blog, a gallery etc. The sitcom itself might be rubbish though, but I don't think that really matters."
Official verdict: Thumb up
The Metro says: "Spraygraphic is a global community dedicated to bringing creative people together and it currently has members in more than 50 countries. Talent isn't an issue as all members have the opportunity to share their drawings, music, photography, art, design, illustrations, writing and videos with each other. What is hoped is artists will inspire and encourage each other by exchanging ideas and tips. The site also contains it's own music player, artist interviews and news of events."
John says: "For the casual observer there's lots to look at on this site, and for any artists, in any discipline, there's a big community of like minded people to talk to and connect with. And it has it's own music player. Which is pretty good."
Official verdict: Right flippin' gid!
Overall verdict: A good week this week I feel :)