Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I was outside having a break, absent mindedly watching some pigeons.

There was a male pigeon with his chest all puffed up and his tail all fanned out doing his wee dance and there was a female pigeon doing her best to pretend he wasn't there. She was doing that thing that female pigeons do in that situation, not flying away but keeping just a couple of steps out reach (why do they do that? why don't they just fly away?).

This was when I noticed the third pigeon.

There's always a third pigeon, slightly apart from the other two but keeping up with proceedings.

What's this pigeon's role in the dance?

Is it a male pigeon, shouting encouragement to his buddy
"Come on George! Do that thing with your tail! The ladies love that!"
waiting patiently for his turn,
maybe he's trying to cut in but he just can't get close enough
"excuse me...pardon me...may I...if I could just...".

Maybe it's a female pigeon,
she could be saying
"Come on Shirley, this guys giving me the creeps"
"Shirley! Either dance with the guy or don't! Stop leading him on!".

Or maybe that third pigeon's just a bit creepy. Maybe that third pigeon is some kind of avian voyeur.

Unless I learn to speak pigeon I'll never know.

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